This is where the new journey of innovation begins...
Imagine stepping into a world where every stroke of creativity finds its perfect canvas, where ideas are not just born but nurtured, where products are not just distributed but celebrated. Welcome to the unveiling of CANVAS DISTRIBUTION, where we transform ordinary spaces into extraordinary showcases of innovation.
With the changes with distribution of the TAIDEN Brand in North America over the past few years, MM Technologie quickly stepped in as your TAIDEN connection to the Canadian Market.Â
We are proud to announce that CANVAS DISTRIBUTION (a division of MM Technologie) has signed on as your exclusive distributor for TAIDEN Conferencing Solutions in Canada proudly represented by our partners the CM TECH Group of companies.
We will continue what we stared over a year ago but now giving the Canadian market the reassurance that TAIDEN is here to stay. Â We are dedicated to revolutionizing the way people connect and collaborate in various settings, from your council chambers to corporate boardrooms, educational institutions and beyond.Â
Together, let's paint a brighter future-one brushstroke at a time. Welcome to CANVAS Distribution, where the journey of innovation begins.Â